Friday, June 28, 2013

Homemade Skin Care Recipes

Homemade Skin Care Recipes 

If you have ever thought about using homemade skin care recipes you were probably motivated by wanting to save money or wanting to know exactly what you are putting on your skin and that is being absorbed into your body.

Homemade skin care recipes are simple safe and easy to use, not to mention they can also be fun to make. When you make your own recipes you know exactly what ingredients you are using and most of these ingredients can be found in your kitchen and they cost much less than if you were to go out and buy a product containing any of these same ingredients.

You feel much more comfortable using these homemade skin care recipes because you know that they are safe for your skin and they do not have any hidden chemicals in them. They are made of pure natural ingredients such as eggs, apples; honey, yogurt and lemon just to mention a few.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Acne Home Remedies

Find cure for acne home can be difficult for most people because they do not have the knowledge and know how to properly treat acne using only natural treatments. All natural acne home remedies have been used for centuries for acne care. They have proven time and time again to work. My best all natural acne medication against that worked for me should be the treatment of acne with green tea. Before examining the effects on how green tea to get rid of your acne, I share with you four easy steps to use in combination with the treatment of acne with green tea.

1. Do not touch your face :

I can not stress this enough, please do not touch your face if possible. Believe me, I guarantee you will see a difference in the amount of acne that you have to have some discipline not to touch your face.

2. Hair on his face -

Keeping your hair off your face as much as possible which will reduce the amount of bacteria and germs that gather in your hair, then transfer them to face every day. This increases considerably eliminate acne and hair touching her face, it greatly reduces your acne.

3. Clean your cell phone before use :

Cell phones have taken over the world. They are dirty, he fell on the ground, ready, and the bag with dirty money. This transfers the bacteria on the face. I had severe acne on both sides of the face by my ears and I realized it was time because my phone. I now wear antibacterial wipes and wipe my phone almost before each use.

Green tea and acne :

Compared to other types of tea, green tea is not fermented and instead, steamed shortly after the leaves of the tree were removed to prevent oxidation and preserve substances that live in leaves.

The antioxidants in green tea has been shown to be very beneficial to acne prevention. These antioxidants help the body fight against bacteria that cause damage to cells and tissues. Cure green tea is less toxic and has less or no side effects compared to other products medicines. Green tea can be purchased at any grocery store for cheap. Everyone can afford green tea so no excuse not to try to take it.

In conclusion, there are many treatments for acne home remedy out there, finding the right one is the hardest part. With four easy steps I presented with green tea, acne will drop significantly, if not disappear completely. I use these measures for years, which will help you have provided laser treatment treat acne scars or acne. Nor is there a better treatment for adult acne then it use green tea for acne care.

Best Acne Treatment For Men - How To Cure Your Acne

When contemplating an acne treatment for men, you will want to select one that keeps the hair follicles open and clean. You'll want to select a cleanser that will also exfoliate the skin. This should be the first line of defense in your fight against adult male acne.
When selecting products you will want to check to be sure they contain ingredients known for their exfoliating and cleansing properties. Some of these ingredients are:
Salicylic acid is also known as methyl salicylate. Use this every day and you will find that it helps to unclog the pores. This ingredient is not only an antiseptic, but also an antimicrobial which provides skin-sloughing. It is less irritating to the skin than alpha hydroxy products and provides equal results.
Glycolic acid is another ingredient that is an excellent exfoliator. However, a person might notice a mild irritation to the skin. It is best to start using a low percentage of this ingredient and gradually work up to the higher percentages and more frequent use.
Benzoyl peroxide is great at destroying bacteria, which can get into the hair follicles and ultimately trigger an infection. However, for some this ingredient can be too drying and cause irritation and redness. Therefore, proceed slowly.
Sulfacetamide, which is antibacterial in nature and sulfur products in higher doses than is available in over-the-counter-products, might also be prescribed to help control acne breakouts. Sulfur encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells, which helps to keep pores from becoming blocked.
All of these ingredients are found in various acne treatments which focus on achieving similar results. Some will help to stabilize the skin's production of oil, which may reduce the outbreaks of pimples, along with the clogging of the skin's pores. Others will help to exfoliate the skin, which in turn will lessen the chance of the pores becoming clogged. In addition, they will also increase and encourage the production of new epidermal cellular growth. Lastly, they will aid in warding off infection, along with decreasing the irritation and inflammation of the pores.
Another great acne treatment for men involves facials. Depending upon your available funds, you could opt to give yourself a weekly facial and have an esthetician give you a professional one once a month or every other month. Ultimately, the important thing is that you institute facials on a regular basis. Acne facials focus upon deep cleansing and extracting the impactions in the hair follicles and they are a great augmentation to a regular skin care routine.
Be prepared in that no matter the acne treatment that you select, chances are you will not notice much improvement for 1-2 months. The majority of acne treatments don't treat the actual blemishes, but rather are geared at preventing breakouts in the future. Thus, it will ultimately take a little bit of time for the acne to heal.
Once your skin clears, you'll need to continue your skin care regime in order to avoid future breakouts. Be sure to cleanse your face twice a day with a gentle facial cleanser. Just be sure that the moisturizers along with other facial products, such as after-shaves and sunscreens, are water-based and oil-free.
For additional ways to lessen the severity of acne breakouts and prevent lesions from forming, check out these Acne Skin Care Tips.
If you're interested in reading about a scientifically proven system which will completely clear up your skin no matter what kind you're experiencing, then Click Here Now [] to find out more.
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Best Tips for Making Homemade Skin Care Recipes

If you have ever thought about using homemade skin care recipes you were probably motivated by wanting to save money or wanting to know exactly what you are putting on your skin and that is being absorbed into your body.
Regardless of the reason, making your own homemade skin care can be a simple and fun way to give yourself great looking and feeling skin. And the best part is that they contain fresh ingredients that you probably already have in your home.
Facial Masks
The skin that gets the most abuse is usually the face. With all of the exposure to sunlight, chemicals through make-up, pollutants, and harsh cleansers, the facial skin need a pick me up to help it recover. A facial mask is one of the quintessential homemade skincare products that you can start with to cleanse and sooth your stressed facial skin.
There are plenty of options to choose from and testing a few different ingredients is the best way to decide which are best for your skin's needs. Making a blend out of strawberries, avocados, cucumbers, aloe, yogurt or clean clay, can give you the results that you desire. Finding and using a recipe can take the guesswork out of the homemade skin care process, or you can just experiment away. Just blend the ingredients and then spread them about your face and let them dry (about 20 minutes). Once they have hardened just wash off and you are good to go.
Skin Toners
Toners are an effective tool for fortifying your skin and cleansing makeup and this homemade skin care recipes can also save you the most money by making it yourself. Toners can nourish your face and skin with vitamins and antioxidants that it may be lacking.
The best thing about making homemade skin care products such as toners is that they can be crafted from just a few basic ingredients, such as apple cider vinegar, crushed aspirin and water. As always, finding a good recipe will get you started and then you can find suitable substitutions later once you understand the process.
Anti-Aging Serum
Rubbing a good oil based homemade skin care product into your skin will help to moisturize and soothe skin. By using the oil in some vitamin capsules such as vitamins A,C, and E, and combining it with an essential oil or coconut oil you can create amazing combinations. Gently rub a thin layer into your skin and let it moisturizing and hydrate your wrinkles.
As you can see, making your own homemade skin care products is simple and you can probably make some of these with the ingredients that you have in your home right now. By looking up recipes and experimenting a little you will have your own line of homemade skin care products to use so that you can save money, and more importantly know what you are putting on your skin.
To get more tips and tricks on homemade skincare recipes to keep your skin looking it's best and not spend a boat load of money go to: and get some of the best ingredients for skin care.

How to Get Soft Skin- 5 Natural Tips For Velvety Smooth Skin

Soft, smooth skin is something most of us want, it makes us feel more attractive and also like a healthy state for the skin. If you really want to learn how to get soft skin then keep on reading.
How to Get Soft Skin - 5 Tips
These natural tips for how to get soft skin are all pretty simple and will help you see what you can start doing today to get silky soft skin.
1. Lower Shower Temperature
Hot water dries out the skin as it takes away the skin's natural oils, so use warm, not hot, water instead if you can. This goes for your face wash too.
2. Natural Exfoliation
When exfoliating your skin you get rid of the outer layer of your skin, this is great if your skin is rougher than you would like. The best ways to exfoliate is with a natural exfoliation product like a body scrub or with skin brushing.
If you have rough feet then nothing beats a barefoot walk on the beach, but a foot file works fine too.
3. Avoid Petroleum Based Products
Many skin creams contain mineral oil, also called paraffin wax, liquid paraffin, and petrolatum, which are petroleum by-products thus from the same source as petrol. It has one benefit which is that it keeps moisture in the skin.
But there is a bigger down side; it clogs the pores encouraging acne and irritation, it robs the skin of its natural oils which promotes dryness and premature aging, and lastly it can be contaminated with carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
4. Nourish From the Inside
Your body needs the right nourishment to be able to grow soft and healthy skin, so you need to take care of your whole body not just your skin. Hydrate with at least 8 glasses of water every day, breathe deeply to nourish your skin with oxygen, and lastly eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day.
5. Use an Effective Cream
Some creams are better than others, so learn how to find the best skin cream and do not just pick any random cream you saw on a commercial. Those are mostly pretty useless.
Instead look for a completely natural cream with a high content of proven effective, active ingredients. It should be made of things like;
- Natural plant oils like Grapeseed, Avocado, Jojoba and Olive oil
- Repairing protein like Cynergy TK
- Vitamins like Natural vitamin E, Vitamin B5 and Coenzyme Q10
- Plant extracts like Maracuja, Phytessence Wakame and Babassu
- Other healing elements like Active Manuka honey
Now you know how to get soft skin and how easily it can be done. You don't have to follow all the tips at once to get results, just do the things you find interesting and make improvements over time. On the other hand if you want faster results you can follow all the tips right away.
If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best cream for soft skin, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results.
Visit my website by clicking here: