Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Best Acne Treatment For Men - How To Cure Your Acne

When contemplating an acne treatment for men, you will want to select one that keeps the hair follicles open and clean. You'll want to select a cleanser that will also exfoliate the skin. This should be the first line of defense in your fight against adult male acne.
When selecting products you will want to check to be sure they contain ingredients known for their exfoliating and cleansing properties. Some of these ingredients are:
Salicylic acid is also known as methyl salicylate. Use this every day and you will find that it helps to unclog the pores. This ingredient is not only an antiseptic, but also an antimicrobial which provides skin-sloughing. It is less irritating to the skin than alpha hydroxy products and provides equal results.
Glycolic acid is another ingredient that is an excellent exfoliator. However, a person might notice a mild irritation to the skin. It is best to start using a low percentage of this ingredient and gradually work up to the higher percentages and more frequent use.
Benzoyl peroxide is great at destroying bacteria, which can get into the hair follicles and ultimately trigger an infection. However, for some this ingredient can be too drying and cause irritation and redness. Therefore, proceed slowly.
Sulfacetamide, which is antibacterial in nature and sulfur products in higher doses than is available in over-the-counter-products, might also be prescribed to help control acne breakouts. Sulfur encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells, which helps to keep pores from becoming blocked.
All of these ingredients are found in various acne treatments which focus on achieving similar results. Some will help to stabilize the skin's production of oil, which may reduce the outbreaks of pimples, along with the clogging of the skin's pores. Others will help to exfoliate the skin, which in turn will lessen the chance of the pores becoming clogged. In addition, they will also increase and encourage the production of new epidermal cellular growth. Lastly, they will aid in warding off infection, along with decreasing the irritation and inflammation of the pores.
Another great acne treatment for men involves facials. Depending upon your available funds, you could opt to give yourself a weekly facial and have an esthetician give you a professional one once a month or every other month. Ultimately, the important thing is that you institute facials on a regular basis. Acne facials focus upon deep cleansing and extracting the impactions in the hair follicles and they are a great augmentation to a regular skin care routine.
Be prepared in that no matter the acne treatment that you select, chances are you will not notice much improvement for 1-2 months. The majority of acne treatments don't treat the actual blemishes, but rather are geared at preventing breakouts in the future. Thus, it will ultimately take a little bit of time for the acne to heal.
Once your skin clears, you'll need to continue your skin care regime in order to avoid future breakouts. Be sure to cleanse your face twice a day with a gentle facial cleanser. Just be sure that the moisturizers along with other facial products, such as after-shaves and sunscreens, are water-based and oil-free.
For additional ways to lessen the severity of acne breakouts and prevent lesions from forming, check out these Acne Skin Care Tips.
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