Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Acne Home Remedies

Find cure for acne home can be difficult for most people because they do not have the knowledge and know how to properly treat acne using only natural treatments. All natural acne home remedies have been used for centuries for acne care. They have proven time and time again to work. My best all natural acne medication against that worked for me should be the treatment of acne with green tea. Before examining the effects on how green tea to get rid of your acne, I share with you four easy steps to use in combination with the treatment of acne with green tea.

1. Do not touch your face :

I can not stress this enough, please do not touch your face if possible. Believe me, I guarantee you will see a difference in the amount of acne that you have to have some discipline not to touch your face.

2. Hair on his face -

Keeping your hair off your face as much as possible which will reduce the amount of bacteria and germs that gather in your hair, then transfer them to face every day. This increases considerably eliminate acne and hair touching her face, it greatly reduces your acne.

3. Clean your cell phone before use :

Cell phones have taken over the world. They are dirty, he fell on the ground, ready, and the bag with dirty money. This transfers the bacteria on the face. I had severe acne on both sides of the face by my ears and I realized it was time because my phone. I now wear antibacterial wipes and wipe my phone almost before each use.

Green tea and acne :

Compared to other types of tea, green tea is not fermented and instead, steamed shortly after the leaves of the tree were removed to prevent oxidation and preserve substances that live in leaves.

The antioxidants in green tea has been shown to be very beneficial to acne prevention. These antioxidants help the body fight against bacteria that cause damage to cells and tissues. Cure green tea is less toxic and has less or no side effects compared to other products medicines. Green tea can be purchased at any grocery store for cheap. Everyone can afford green tea so no excuse not to try to take it.

In conclusion, there are many treatments for acne home remedy out there, finding the right one is the hardest part. With four easy steps I presented with green tea, acne will drop significantly, if not disappear completely. I use these measures for years, which will help you have provided laser treatment treat acne scars or acne. Nor is there a better treatment for adult acne then it use green tea for acne care.

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